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This project is about how to positively perceive death.

chapter I.
the importance to look at death
Death is a subject we have been avoiding to talk about or even think about. It automatically triggers fear and sadness. That’s probably why we were never taught the importance to look at death at school. It is fascinating to see that most of us learned nothing or willing to learn anything in order to prepare for the almost only definite event of our life. That’s why we panic when it arrives.

chapter II.
The 24 hours 7 days are created to help us better plan daily things. We are all running on different times. When you sit next to a hot guy /girl, you feel time flies. But when you are at a boring meeting, 5 minutes feels like forever. Time is a feeling of ours and at the same time we follow the general guidance from the society. When it comes to death, we care about the age of death a lot. We feel better if someone dies at 101 than someone dies at 23. A good death is not about how long of the artificial numbers of years that person has lived. It is about how well that person can come to peace when death comes.

What is success. It is taught by others ever since we were born. We were told getting good grades at school was a success. We were told becoming rich was a success. We were told marrying at certain age and having kids and lovely family was a success. We were told being popular and influential was a success. We were told the values of life by society. Listen to your heart, what does your heart say what will make you feel fulfilled? If your heart feels happy when you travel the world, then go travel, don’t worry about settling down. If your heart feels happy when you eat good food, then eat good food, forget about the ‘calories’. It does not mean you need to go against mainstream but to have a good understanding of the values that will make you truly happy and feel successful. And those values will make you you. They will guide you to work hard towards a happy ending especially when being challenged by others’ opinions.
chapter IV.
Once you are open to discuss and think about death, you will find it is a truly positive note. If life is a journey of your own, then the final destination is already known. What else could be easier than to tell you the final ending in advance. Almost like cheating in a game. It means we will have so much time to prepare well for it. When you know you are prepared for death, you will fear nothing. The next 4 chapters will breakdown on how to prepare for a good death.

chapter V. NO REGRETS
Live your life to the maximum you can.
Any mistakes you made in your lifetime, are lessons. And it doesn’t even matter if you didn’t learn anything from them in the end. For those who had failed classes in college know that it was not that big of a deal in the end. It is important to have zero regrets when death comes. You need to forgive yourself before you go. In front of death, all debts are clean. No one will blame you for any mistakes you’ve made. You will also need to do the same to yourself.

chapter VI. NO HATRED
Never face death with hatred. Forgiving others’ mistakes should be a constant practice throughout our lifetime. The world does not owe us anything. No one owes us anything in front of death. It is our job to accept the imperfections of life. And the imperfections of life were the most interesting and beautiful parts of our journey. As the debt you owe zeros out in front of death, the debt you own goes zero as well. This is one of the key notes of how to make peace with our final destination.

Memories will fade and be altered by the owner throughout time. The wish of being remembered by the society is both selfish and unrealistic. No one will die or be sad forever for your death. And that is a really great news if you truly love those people. A good death includes the best wishes for the people alive and not to care about who will come to your funeral. A true let go.

chapter VIII.
Tomorrow never knows.
Do things that can truly make your heart feel happy and fulfilled every day. Hedonism won’t do. Things that will add values to your heart must have meanings and you must have made efforts to achieve them. Clubbing every night, substance abuses, or waking up with strangers by your side will not make your heart truly fulfilled. Love the people who worth your love and provide values to the society can almost always make your heart happy. Live life like tomorrow is the end. Cherish any moment, anyone, any experiences. They all have meanings to your life.
The end is also the beginning.
At the last chapter of this project, I really hope you found positive meanings of death and be able to face it with peace when it comes to you or to your loved ones. I hope you will understand that we are all part of the cycle of life. Our existence is important. Every single life, is precious and meaningful. I also hope you can see that in yourself and in other people. Our death is important, like McQueen said, it gives room for new things.

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