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"I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the most High"
- Isaiah 14:14

Those who cry loud, get saved first.
I was a quiet child,
Quiet I prayed, for calmer seas.
Excuse me sir, am I your daughter?
Won’t you take me back and see.
Woke up from the same dream,
With all chains around me.
Showed my wings,
All red and bruised.
If I cried onto my mother,
No, she wasn’t there.
She wasn’t there for me.

So I started a riot,
No surrender, no retreat.
I burned the silver city for a diamond in the dust.
Like fireworks, excitement of abandonment.
Because further apart,
The closer that we are.
I will ascend on my own, above all.
I will be in the night sky,
Shining like a lightning strike.
I am God’s abandoned daughter, Morning Star.

"I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven"
- Luke 10:18

I like my new home.
Fire keeps me warm in the dark.
Never felt this safe and free.
I found a new hobby in my realm.
Granting human favors.
Human, the cruelest creature on earth.
Faith was created to fool minds.
Politics were made to justify violence.
Love was used to fulfil loneliness.
If you make a deal with me,
I will give you what your heart truly wants,

In return, I shall be promised by you that
You will not hope to be loved,
You will not pray to be cared for,
You will burn your heart into stone,
You will abandon the illusion of love, hope, and trust,
You will accept your true nature,
Embrace who you really are,
Do what you really what.
You will rise on your own.
The stronger the desire,
The fiercer the fire.
I am Morning Star,
God’s favorite daughter.
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